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Bronze sculptures
Power and Pathos

Bronze sculptures



This collection of bronze works consists of male and female figurines in various representations, mythological creatures and animals. Pottery and weapons are also significant object classes. Through these sculptures and micro-art ornaments, one can delve into the development and evolution of ancient toreutics and metalwork, distinguish the multiple artistic trends, and artificial patinas of the various workshops and, at the same time, approach the daily life, interaction and the achievements of the people, with their traditions, practices, cults and religious beliefs, from the Geometric to the Roman period.. . .

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This collection of bronze works consists of male and female figurines in various representations, mythological creatures and animals. Pottery and weapons are also significant object classes. Through these sculptures and micro-art ornaments, one can delve into the development and evolution of ancient toreutics and metalwork, distinguish the multiple artistic trends, and artificial patinas of the various workshops and, at the same time, approach the daily life, interaction and the achievements of the people, with their traditions, practices, cults and religious beliefs, from the Geometric to the Roman period. Working bronze demands specialized knowledge and techniques. Melting the metal, making the right mixture for the alloy, preparing the model and the molds, casting the bronze, and the final retouching, are the successive phases of the work, each one requiring knowledge, experience and passion.
They are traditionally reproduced, from the finest Greek workshops, with sand-casting and lost-wax techniques, in various patinas.

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